I did it... Well half of it anyway. We rode 54 miles on Saturday. We started along the bike path at Alameda and Rio Grande. The ride was beautiful all the way to Rio Bravo. Who knew the bike path went that far. As we went west on Rio Bravo the "big hill" loomed ahead. I found out after we climbed it that it is a grade 7. That didn't mean much to me until I found out the hill from San Isidro last week was a grade 5. I was very thankful that the clouds were following us everywhere we were so the heat was not too much of a factor.
The ride took us far... We started back on Universe road. Not familiar? Well it is a two lane road that passes the Double Eagle Airport. I would say all of the cars passing us were respectful and gave us lots of room when they were passing. The decent was from Ventana Ranch down through Paradise Blvd. We crossed Coors (scary) and jumped back on the bike path at Paseo.
All in all I think I did good phsically. I got a new saddle and that helped by behind tremendously. It's amazing what a good seat can do for your seat. I need to work mentally on being confident. When we got onto Paradise Blvd I freaked out a bid with the traffic. All I could see was myself splattered on the road again with people staring at me. I know it is a mental issue. When I am riding, I don't want anyone near me. I am happy to be at the back of the pack which I know is not always good. It is safer to be in numbers.
I have to give a extra special thank you to my best friend also known as my husband. He got off work early and helped SAG for a while. He was waiting for me at the top of the big hill, and, just kept not only encouraging me, but the whole team I was riding with. He stopped and took pictures and even came to look for me when I got a flat. (Ed changed it for me). Love you Frank.
I was happy to get back to the car and home. My girls had just returned from camp so thier kisses and hugs were extra special.
I will miss this Saturday's ride because we are going to Fort Collins as our last trip before school starts. Good Luck to all my fellow riders. I will be thinking of you.

1 comment:
Great pictures...I REALLY want a little portable camera now...can you say early 40th birthday present? I can! xo
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