First of all I want to thank everyone who has contributed to my fundraising. You all are awesome. I am a firm believer that it does not matter how much you contribute, every little bit helps.
I was reminded this week of how cancer can be so devestating. I ran into an acquaintance of ours. I know them through my babysitter. They have a 4 year old son and so my girls get to play with him. Bailey of course is ever the mommy. The wife was diagnosed with cancer about 1.5 years ago and has been undergoing chemo for months. She was featured on a series the church did called Against All Odds. Well, her husband came up to me at church to say hi. Of course I said hi and hugged his little boy. He looked at me with his big beautiful blue eyes and said with tears that his wife was not doing very good. He hugged me so hard that I could feel him trembling. I asked how we could help, and he was so distraught that he had to leave. I looks like his wife may not make it. Bailey and I cried when we thought about how thier beautiful little boy will grow up without his mother. He is now the survivor in this cancer war. So please donate even if you think the amount is insignificant.
On to better news... Well my training during the week was not up to where it should be. I only road to work and back home once which was about 1 hour total of ride time. At least I made it home this time. I can tell that my legs are getting stronger. It did take me 20 minutes to get from the front door of work to the top of Northern (Destiny Center). I have a goal to do it in less time this week.
I think I was not in the training mode this week since some events came about regarding the bicycle crash that happened a couple of weeks ago. I do know that I am not 100% responsible and I have a witness that saw the accident.
But, this weeks ride took us up Jemez Dam road. If you are not familiar with this area I recommend you take a Sunday drive there with a picnic lunch. The road that takes you to the Tamaya Resort near the Santa Ana Star casino is the same road you continue on to the view point of the dam. Certain parts of the road were not fun to be on. It was up and down the whole way and my thighs were yelling at me the entire time. When you finally get to the end, the view is breath taking. Unfortunately, there was no water, but God's beauty was all around. We stayed for about 10 minutes to rest up and then we headed back to our starting point at the Whataburger on 528. Total round trip was 40 miles. Not too shabby for someone who couldn't ride 5 miles a few weeks ago.
I found it challenging riding on the shoulder of 528. Cars are zooming by you at all speeds and you are trying avoid roadside trash. I think the group I was in kept a good pace of about 12-15mph. I was a little freaked out crossing 528 into traffic and then crossing 550 onto the dam road. Horrible visions popped into my head. I prayed for everyone to cross safely. I also noticed we all had better communication on this ride. Everyone was saying "slowing", "stopping", etc. Something we did not do a couple of weeks ago.
I am looking forward to this weeks training. I must persevere for those who believe in me. And, I must learn to believe in myself.

Heather and I at the overlook.
The group I rode with.

Some of God's beauty.
1 comment:
We week the San Ysidro ride! Yipee, 45 miles and a SAG vehicle!
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