May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
I was stopped the TSA getting my bags checked Friday morning. Seems I missed taking out my CO2 cartridge... OOPS. And, then they were questioning my Hammer Nutrition container with Tuaca. After explaining the situation I was able to pass with my Hammer Nutrition (hee, hee).
Jan and I flew out three hours after everyone else. I was glad when I found out there was lots of turbulence (not a fan) for the group that went out before us. Our bus ride was slow... but when we got to our hotel I was thrilled to see I had a lake side view. We spent Friday night at the Naked Lady sushi place and stayed for a couple of hours just eating and eating.
We were going to go on a short 20 mile ride on Saturday, but the rain gods would have nothing to do with it. It rained, and rained and rained all day. Needless to say we were all concerned that the rain would not stop for Sunday. To sooth my rain anxiety, I shopped. Something I never have a problem doing no matter where I go.
Barb (my roommate) and I got up at 4:00am to get ready on Sunday morning. I had already decided that I was going to ride even if it was still raining. I hadn't come all this way to not ride. We were in luck. It was just a bit cloudy outside and the roads were not too wet. It was chilly though... a cool 30-40 degrees out. Thank goodness for Starbucks downstairs. I'm not sure what I would have done without morning coffee.
For the majority of the day, I rode towards the back of the pack. I knew I was not going to be able to stay with the fast group and did not want to burn myself out too early. I did okay until mile 82. I think I was bonking. Mike M, who rode with me for about 30 miles helped to get me back in good riding condition to finish with the help of Ed of course. I was determined to not get in a car to finish the last 18 miles.
After being out a total of 11 hours, 8.5 hours of riding time I finally finished. Thanks to all my team mates who waited for me. You guys are the best. The ride was great, the scenery was incredible, but the friends I made on this riding journey is invaluable.

Melissa and I walked down to the beach to wade in water before we met everyone for lunch. I think I was born to be near the water because I did not want to leave. I could have stayed there all day soaking up the sun and watching the water.
There are two sets of pictures below. As you are watching them, place your cursor over the picture to read the caption.